Thursday, February 23, 2012

Egypt Will be at War With Germany, Israel, and the US in Three Months?

More Arab Spring fruits-

From Jihad Watch:
"Good thing the U.S. supported the end of the Mubarak regime and the wonderful "Arab Spring" in Egypt. It looks as if we're already reaping the dividends. "Egyptian Presidential Candidate Tawfiq Okasha Predicts that Egyptian Army Will Open Fire on 'Its Enemies' – the US, Germany, and Israel – Within Three Months; States That If Not for the Holocaust, the Jews Would Have Annihilated the Germans,"


What does one say about this?

Well, times have changed. What was the betting line in 1941 that Egypt would be at war with WWII enemies Germany and the US, along with a nation that had not even existed at the time?

Since Egypt has had a bit of a difficult time beating Israel in previous wars, often while allied and in concert with with other nations, maybe our candidate has hit on something. Egypt never won because they set the bar too low and therefore did not feel challenged. Instead of attacking only Israel with help, Egypt, by herself, will attack three nations, all of which have records, logistical capabilities, and traditions of professionalism that are superior to those of his nation.

Why do these people, who are prohibited from drinking alcohol, sound worse than drunk kids from opposing colleges or US military units on Saturday night?

On a lighter note, if that could be the case, an Egyptian Muslim cleric brought back the long-ago fabricated "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (More on this sometimes-believed set of lies another day) as a topic and stated that Israel is conspiring to distract Muslims through soccer.

Yes, Israel is using soccer to distract Muslims.It must have something to do with the Israeli soccer coach whose presence set off all sorts of alarms in the Muslim world.

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