Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Alfred Kinsey and His Justification of Pedophilia

I was planning to do an altogether different post today, but a breif conversation with my High School son chamged my mind.

He is a Liam Neeson fan. I too find him to  be an very capable actor, but since he played the part of Alfred Kinsey in the movie Kinsey, I have been quite disappointed in his judgement.

For the sake or argument  I have to allow that Neeson did not research the real story about the man who is hailed by the Left as the man who freed us from our Victorian-era holdover bonds of prudishness, but relied on what was fed to him by the makers of the movie.

Alfred Kinsey is billed as a path-blazing sexologist who, despite the rigid mores of our over-religious society, boldly advocated the loosening of our ways, the dropping of our equating sex with the marital state and true love, and extensive sex education of children. For the cultural Marxist, he is the epitome of what George Lukaks would have wanted - someone whose work would tear into the fabric of Judeo-Christian morality and the family in general.

The truth is that Kinsey was a terribly bad and probably a very sick man. What he presented as science was nothing more than doctored arguments based on data that he gathered from pedophiles, child pornography, and people whom he described as married even though their lives did not even approach the definition of that institution.

I recall reading a Reader's Digest article about Kinsey many years back (As I wrote previously about how life sucked in the USSR*, that periodical was essentially alone in writing the truth to the general public). In that article  Kinsey was described as viewing and taking data from movies in which very young children were being raped. Even though they visibly cried during these acts, Kinsey opted to tell people that children benefited from such crimes and that girls as young as (If my memory serves me correctly) five years old could experience orgasms.

I feel ill writing about these topics, so I will leave the reader to use the links below to get a better picture about the man that Neeson played. The picture is not a pretty one.

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