Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Syrian Alawite Women and Children Now Fair Game

With Middle Eastern Christians backed into a pitifully small corner, and the Obama Administration dead set on removing one of the last States in the region that is not Islamist, the women and children of Alawites in Syria are now considered legitimate targets in the new Rules of Engagement as defined by Syrian Cleric Sheik Muhammad Badi' Moussa:


The interviewer asks if it OK for the Free Syrian Army (The Syrian rebels) to kill Alawite women and children. Mr. Moussa answers "Yes". He continues with describing requests for clarifications that have purportedly been sent to other clerics concerning how to deal with the Alawites. Syria's ruling family is Alawite and it has been long suspected that, in addition to Christians, they too will be the recipient of Islamic Tolerance once the regime falls.

He adds a number of accusations that Alawites have been raping Muslim women. Although I have not researched this claim, I  find it unlikely as they have been believed to be preparing for the end of the regime and any protection that it offered. Going out of their way to earn even more enmity of Muslims would not be a good strategy. Moussa also claims that Alawite snipers have been targeting Muslim women and children. He then states that Muslim women have been kidnapped and held in Alawite suburbs. These claims sound similar to the psychological term of projection that is liberally employed by Egyptian Muslims; they accuse the Copts of doing to Muslim women exactly what Muslim men are actually doing to those of the Copts.

Mercifully, Mr. Moussa notes that the Free Syrian Army must issue warnings prior to actually raiding the Alawite neighborhoods and commencing with the killings of the women and children.

Many Muslims do not consider Alawites to be true Muslims. They are believed to be one of the offshoots of Shiite Islam. They are secretive and stay within their clans. They have incorporated practices not followed by other Muslims, including reported forms of worship similar to those of Christians -  Communion, a Trinitarian belief, celebration of Christian Holy days, etc. This is quite possible since, in the early days of Islam,  many Christians took to assuming a Muslim identity to avoid crushing taxation and other benefits of Islamic Tolerance. As the years and generations passed, these people began to identify less with Christianity and more with the Islam that permeated their world while the old practices remained.


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