Thursday, September 13, 2012

Islamic Anger Strategically Applied to Curb First Amendment

The article linked above a very good read.

While Muslims are allowed to say anything that they wish about Judaism and Christianity*, the institutional fear and oppression inherent in Islam provides for a pretence to call for everyone to refrain from speech that does not compliment the religion of tolerance. The oppression part is obvious. The fear part is more insidious; the fear of being perceived by one's coreligionists as insufficiently Muslim causes even lukewarm devotees to join in on the most violent of rampaging mobs

*In the English commentary on the Koran (If it is not in Arabic then it cannot be a Koran), the reader is met with numerous footnotes, one of which states that the Trinity is a "Christian superstition". Can you imagine the howls if a footnoted Bible mentioned Islam at all? The Koran itself contains many passages that denigrate Christians, Jews and their beliefs.

I once had a next-door neighbor who was a Christian Evangelical who had the similar mindset but his was more geared towards winning at everything. He did fear, though, refutations of his anti-Catholic claims. Being that he threw these out on a regular basis, his frustration increased month-by-month as he was stymied at every turn. His win everything attitude got so bad that I found myself having to race him down our street to prove to him that I could beat him in a footrace. For the record, I won.

If the idea of prohibiting speech that offends the followers of a religion sounds like lunacy, that is a good sign.

The problem is that there is a significant movement behind this very idea. The concept on the Islamic side is to incite the mob every time an accurate portrayal of Mohammed is made, Islam is criticized, or a Koran is damaged in any way (Or rumored to have been so). The next step in for a Muslim leader to speak out against the resulting violence and then add that the causes (Whatever was done to aggravate them) must be addressed. In this way the West is treated like the battered spouse; "I'm sorry  hit you, but you have to stop making me rage".

Watch for any seed that gets planted by the media. If any suggestions are made to the effect that, to create a safer world for Americans either here, there, or both, we need to pass legislation that bars speech that offends any religious group, the red flags must go up immediately. Hate speech, offensive speech - it can come under different labels. If this occurs, then we must fight this one tooth and nail. If we are restricted from free speech, then it is all over.

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