Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dems Fight Over Mention of God - Why?

I have no time to post tonight, but I will note that even this perplexes me.

The original platform for the Convention had no reference to God. I was not surprised but the response to the change that was later made to include such a reference was patently bizarre.

The article is worth reading if only to try to ascertain what caused the ruckus. The Democratic Party is now driven by people with strong Leftist sympathies, but I can only guess that their coalition of other radical groups is more fragile than I thought. Could it be that the the anti-Christian/Jewish elements have that much influence as to create such tension and widespread anger at the convention?

I have been quite concerned with the path that the Democratic Party has taken in the past two decades, but this is insane. If they want to win in November, what harm could a reference to God (And Jerusalem) do?

I can only assume that the anti-Christian and Israel lobbies are more focused on their objects of hate than trying to win an election

For those who still have faith in this political party, I hope that the events surrounding a simple change to the platform serve as a wake-up call.

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