Friday, March 8, 2013

Texas Schools Besieged by the Left

When Rick Perry scoffed at the claim that Texas will soon become "purple" then a "blue" state, I wondered if he was denying the obvious or if he was really that dense.

The Left desperately  wants the electoral votes* of the Lone Star State, and they are working at a feverish pace to get the job done.

*Leftists decry the assignment of the electoral votes as it was designed to offset the natural electoral power of the most populous states. Today the highly-urbanized states are almost in a position to carry a national election by themselves. While Leftists hate the fact that the electoral college exists, they are fully aware of how it works, and they have every intention of getting Texas under their control. Once they are successful they will surely change their tune and extol the virtues of the electoral college.

As I have noted in previous posts, the Left wants a classless society of people who have no knowledge or interest of their heritage. Only by creating such a society can they move to eliminate national sovereignty and begin a full-blown despotism of socialist committees.

One method is to dilute the electorate by importing so many people from markedly different cultures that assimilation or integration into the culture of the host nation is impossible.

Working in parallel with the former is the just as effective but far more insidious technique of excising all understanding of a people's or nation's sense of identity. Primary school textbooks are doctored to contain  Leftist views of history, admirable people and events from a nation's past are left out, and the students grow up knowing next to nothing about how their society and nation came to be. Products of this Leftist kulturkampf leave high schools in a sponge-like state, ready for the heavy doses of anti-western propaganda's of college.

It is working. High school seniors are already telling their parents that they would get rid of imperialist/colonialist  holidays such as Thanksgiving if they could. Not only have I read numerous accounts of similar incidents, but I personally know of this occurring in New Jersey. These young people are or will soon be of voting age, and they will likely be no friends of American society and virtue. Having been fed a steady diet of anti-western/American lessons, they will utter no peep of protest when their children are subjected to the same brainwashing.

The top links are recent reports of events in Texas schools. The first concerns a Spanish class in which the teacher apparently felt that Spanish literature offered nothing of value, so the students were required to recite the Mexican national anthem and pledge of allegiance. Cervantes and others can be conveniently  ignored.

The second reports on students that were given a more interesting assignment:.

"Parents are demanding answers after a Texas teacher reportedly invited female students to dress up in Islamic garb and told the class to refer to Muslim terrorists as freedom fighters.

Texas state Sen. Dan Patrick, chairman of the Senate Education Committee, has launched an investigation into the incident. He told Fox News he was disturbed after seeing a photograph of female students wearing burqas and learning that students were reportedly taught that the cause for Egypt’s turmoil is democracy, not the Muslim Brotherhood, based on an article by the Washington Post

The third is the blaster:

"A curriculum system used across the state of Texas reportedly includes a lesson plan for 6th graders instructing students to create a flag for a “new socialist nation” using “symbolism to represent aspects of socialism/communism.”

The following was taken from the CSCOPE curriculum lesson plan: “Notice socialist/communist nations use symbolism on their flags representing various aspects of their economic system. Imagine a new socialist nation is creating a flag and you have been put in charge of creating a flag. Use symbolism to represent aspects of socialism/communism on your flag. What kind of symbolism/colors would you use?' "

Today, we have yet another report of the goings-on in Texas, and it is a comprehensive and voluntary self-indictment of those who are making all of this happen:

-Excerpts from the link above:
Bolding is added.

"In February, Texas announced that the state, along with the Texas Education Service Center Curriculum (TESCCC,) would enact major changes to the controversial curriculum management system dubbed CSCOPE. The system received a litany of complaints from faculty members and parents alike concerning its lack of transparency (parents were allegedly not permitted to review lesson-plans), lack of oversight from the State Board of Education, and for allegedly imposing oppressive working conditions for faculty members.....

To note just how off-color some of the CSCOPE curriculum is, consider that the Texas CSCOPE Review, an independent watchdog group, uncovered an out-of-date, optional CSCOPE lesson-plan on terrorism — “World History Unit 12 Lesson 07″ — which allegedly likens the Boston Tea Party to “an act of terrorism.”

Using a chart, Barton documented and mapped out core CSCOPE material, which eliminates national values, Americanism or rather, American exceptionalism, the study of federalism and majority rule (the core of our constitution) along with patriotic symbols like the Liberty Bell. Christopher Columbus, Rosh Hashanah and Christmas are all relegated to the dustbin along with American military history. Equality and a belief in justice is replaced by “fairness” and instruction on American propaganda and imperialism.

Disturbingly, Beck and Barton noted that the worst is yet to come. Showcasing a lesson plan for grades 1-3, Barton revealed CSCOPE’s list of “heroes,” which comprises a dozen secular progressives and only three conservatives or political moderates."

It gets worse:

"According to a previous report from TheBlaze, teachers complained that they were expected to deliver the curriculum verbatim and only on days allotted by the CSCOPE lesson plan. Even if students were unable to absorb the lesson, teachers were allegedly directed to progress to the next lesson regardless. TheBlaze also reported that teachers were “asked to sign a contract that would prevent them from revealing what was in the CSCOPE lessons or face civil and criminal penalties.' "

I hope that everyone sees what is going on. If the States do not take action now, they will, likely within 10-20 years, all fall to swing-state or blue-state status. The Left will not only have won handily, but those who advocate American principles and virtue will at that point be in no position to even break off from and form a new and restored American republic. The youth are being trained to detest or ignore all of the people, their actions, and events that shaped the very nation that bred them. If the schools can be taken back immediately   then we have a chance to avert catastrophe, but given the political climate, that will be an uphill battle.

In The Spirit of Laws, by Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu*, the author repeatedly stresses that the primary means by which a republic can survive is if the people have a love of their country. Without this, the republic will fail. 
*Along with Locke, Montesquieu was a source of political though on whom the Founders greatly relied. His work had tremendous influence in the drafting of our Constitution, especially with the actual separation of powers of our government, an attribute that has sadly become ineffective.

No system of government lasts forever. We currently live under the longest-lasting Constitution in the world. That is a major achievement and a credit to those who crafted it and later defended it when our nation was threatened with collapse. We cannot, however, continue to cling to it if it is no longer what it was intended to be. I would rather lay it to rest honorably than live with it as a facade of a government animated by Leftist thought. 

We still, barely, have the power to create a restored American republic comprised of the states that are not already lost. Our children deserve to learn about our history in a manner than makes them proud of our nation.

If we do not act, and soon, all will be lost.

When this is

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