Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Obama Knows Most About Judaism Out of All US Presidents

Just keep letting him talk........

The day before the intelligent (I was told that he was smart before and after the 2008 election) President referred to WWII concentration camps that happened to have been in Poland as Polish Death Camps (TheBlaze link), he claimed to know more about Judaism than any other US President. (Haaretz link) His reason and justification for such a claim?

He read about it.

"Obama also stressed he probably knows about Judaism more than any other president, because he read about it - and wondered how come no one asks Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner or Senate minority leader Mitch McConnel about their support to Israel.

William Kristol, founder of The Weekly Standard, criticized Obama's comments at the meeting with Conservative rabbis, saying that the "reason no one asks John Boehner or Mitch McConnell about their support for Israel is because they really do support Israel," adding: "The reason people ask Barack Obama about his support for Israel is because his support for Israel has been equivocal."

Kristol also tagged as "truly pathetic" President mentioning his "Jewish friends" in Chicago to support his pro-Israel credentials, and ripped at the claim he "knows more about Judaism than any other president."

"His vanity boggles the mind". Kristol wrote, adddig: "One could begin by citing Adams and Madison, who knew Hebrew, or Harry Truman, who knew Jewish history."

The conservative writer added that in "thinking about the presidents since Truman, though, I'd guess the president who knew the most about Judaism was Jimmy Carter, who taught Sunday school and had a deep interest in religion.' "

I have come to believe that Obama is the product of three major flaws. The first, and most obvious, is that he is not very bright. The second is that he is a true product of our educational system, a structure from which enormous amounts of world and American history has been excised. The third is that he is terribly narcissistic and therefore believes that people will believe any claim that he makes. His pattern of lying is as close to the Munchausen syndrome as I have ever seen in a politician.  The three come together like a train wreck.

In the case of Obama, I have often held that there was a reason for the second. In order to properly prepare the people for "Year Zero*", the beginning of the new world order in which all that occurred prior to the new government is not taken into account nor even discussed, they all had to be made ignorant of their history and culture, including that of their nation. Only by spitting out graduates that know nothing of Greek, Roman, Northern European, Christian, and Jewish history could the Leftists of Academia create blank slates in the minds of the Proletariat and thus leave them susceptible Marxist arguments

"The term Year Zero, applied to the takeover of Cambodia in 1975 by Pol Pot, is an analogy to the Year One of the French Revolutionary Calendar. During the French Revolution, after the abolition of the French monarchy (September 20, 1792), the National Conventioninstituted a new calendar and declared the beginning of the Year I. The Pol Pot takeover of Phnom Penh was rapidly followed by a series of drastic revolutionary agrarian socialism policies resulting in the Cambodian Genocide, whose death toll vastly exceeded that of the French Reign of Terror.

The idea behind Year Zero is that all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and a new revolutionary culture must replace it, starting from scratch. All history of a nation or people before Year Zero is deemed largely irrelevant, as it will (as an ideal) be purged and replaced from the ground up."

Anyway, Obama serves up another example of his outrageous vanity. It is clear that he does not even take the time to ask any of his advisors to do a Google search with terms such as "Judaism or Hebrew US Presidents" to first find out if any other Presidents are known to have any appreciable knowledge of Judaism. Any one of us could come up with other search terms/keywords to glean some information quickly.  

Barry just can't wait for that. An idea pops up in his head, and it rolls right off the tongue. He knows that the Media will, as the do with all of the his gaffes, either ignore it or get someone to explain it in a nice way.

In an old The Simpson's episode, Bart gets a Big Brother (Actually the show calls it "Bigger Brothers") because Homer never does anything with him. Homer, feeling insulted and jealous, volunteers to be a Bigger Brother himself. When asked why he wants the position, his mind tells him "Don't say revenge, Don't say revenge." Homer utters a one-word answer "Revenge". His mind says "Do'oh, I'm outta here". We then hear in his mind footsteps and the door being shut  

The door was shut a long time ago. Now all that we are left with are his delusions of grandeur.

Just to test my claim, I typed in "Jewish History US Presidents". The following post was about three results down:

John Adams-

I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize man than any other nation. (Letter from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson)

Farther I could find it in my heart to wish that you had been at the head of a hundred thousand Israelites . . . & marching with them into Judea & making a conquest of that country & restoring your nation to the dominion of it. For I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation. (Letter to Mordecai Manuel Noah, 1819) 1

John Quincy Adams-

[I believe in the] rebuilding of Judea as an independent nation. (Letter to Major Mordecai Manuel Noah)

Abraham Lincoln-

Not long after the Emancipation Proclamation, President Abraham Lincoln met a Canadian Christian Zionist, Henry Wentworth Monk, who expressed hope that Jews who were suffering oppression in Russia and Turkey be emancipated “by restoring them to their national home in Palestine.” Lincoln said this was “a noble dream and one shared by many Americans.” The President said his chiropodist was a Jew who “has so many times ‘put me upon my feet’ that I would have no objection to giving his countrymen ‘a leg up.’”

Woodrow Wilson-

The allied nations with the fullest concurrence of our government and people are agreed that in Palestine shall be laid the foundations of a Jewish Commonwealth. (Reaction to the Balfour Declaration)

Recalling the previous experiences of the colonists in applying the Mosaic Code to the order of their internal life, it is not to be wondered at that the various passages in the Bible that serve to undermine royal authority, stripping the Crown of its cloak of divinity, held up before the pioneer Americans the Hebrew Commonwealth as a model government. In the spirit and essence of our Constitution, the influence of the Hebrew Commonwealth was paramount in that it was not only the highest authority for the principle, “that rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God,” but also because it was in itself a divine precedent for a pure democracy, as distinguished from monarchy, aristocracy or any other form of government.

To think that I, the son ofthe manse, should be able to help restore the Holy Land to its people.

Warren Harding-

It is impossible for one who has studied at all the services of the Hebrew people to avoid the faith that they will one day be restored to their historic national home and there enter on a new and yet greater phase of their contribution to the advance of humanity.

Calvin Coolidge-

Coolidge expressed his “sympathy with the deep and intense longing which finds such fine expression in the Jewish National Homeland in Palestine.”

The Jews themselves, of whom a considerable number were already scattered throughout the colonies, were true to the teachings of their prophets. The Jewish faith is predominantly the faith of liberty.

Harry Truman-

I had faith in Israel before it was established, I have faith in it now. (Granting de facto recognition to the new Jewish State—11 minutes after Israel's proclamation of independence)

I believe it has a glorious future before it—not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization. (May 26, 1952)

I had carefully read the Balfour Declaration. I had familiarized myself with the history of the question of a Jewish homeland and the position of the British and the Arabs. I was skeptical, as I read over the whole record up to date, about some of the views and attitudes assumed by the 'striped-pants boys' in the State Department."

Lyndon Johnson-

Our society is illuminated by the spiritual insights of the Hebrew prophets. America and Israel have a common love of human freedom and they have a common faith in a democratic way of life.

Most if not all of you have very deep ties with the land and with the people of Israel, as I do, for my Christian faith sprang from yours....the Bible stories are woven into my childhood memories as the gallant struggle of modern Jews to be free of persecution is also woven into our souls. (Speech before B'nai B'rith)

George W. Bush-
Through centuries of struggle, Jews across the world have been witnesses not only against the crimes of men, but for faith in God, and God alone. Theirs is a story of defiance in oppression and patience in tribulation — reaching back to the exodus and their exile into the diaspora. That story continued in the founding of the State of Israel. The story continues in the defense of the State of Israel (Address to the National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance, April 19, 2001).


  1. Amen, brother!

    Puzzle me this, though: I understand why American Jews in the thirties and forties supported leftist causes and candidates with the best intentions. I fail to grasp why, today, many Jews continue to reflexively support the ideology that promotes anti-Semitism and agendae that historically precede enslavement, imprisonment, torture, and extermination of large populations. (Examples include the holocaust, purges in the old Soviet Union, the Armenian Massacre, the Anschluss, Pol Pot's "Year Zero", and Mao's Long March and Cultural Revolution with the death toll of sixty million innocent civilians.

    So-called liberals and other despots generally promote agendae like "gun control", infringements on free speech, confiscatory taxes, etc. as prelude to grabbing power and eliminating or neutralizing those who disagree.

    Today, a Jew who votes for candidates who show contempt or disregard for the security and sovereignty of Israel and for our Constitution and complete Bill of Rights bears a striking resemblance to a chicken voting for Frank Perdue.

  2. The real ironic part is that many of our concepts of Liberty came to us directly from Jewish thought. They were far and away the most individualistic people of the Near East.
