Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Christians Stoned - in Dearborn Michigan

Hat tip to Answering Muslims.

Muslims in the Dearborn, Michigan area have become more aggressive in the last few years. An increasing population, coupled with an admittedly bizarre tendency by local law enforcement to give in to demands by Muslims that they [the cops] prevent anyone from saying anything that Muslims deem offensive (Which includes speaking about Christianity in their presence), have helped bring the situation to a boil.

Of course, Muslims can say anything that they wish about Christianity and Judaism. Not only are these replete in the Koran, but English versions (Called "commentaries by Muslims - Korans must be in Arabic) of the book have numerous footnotes that denigrate Christian beliefs.

Before I quote the sources, I will note what I briefly gleaned from reading some material from Ruben Israel's website. He was raised in a Catholic family. At some point, he felt drawn towards Evangelical thought. His explanation, though, aroused deep suspicion for me. One of the first things that he claims is that his Parish Priest did not recommend that he study the Bible with the assistance of an Elder in the faith - he told him not to read it at all. I have engaged in Catholic apologetic for years  (That means explaining, not apologizing), and have found that this claim is bandied about by former Catholics like candy from a parade float. At least nine times out of ten, it turns out that these events never occurred once the claimant is pressed for details. The remainder, while stubbornly clinging to their claims, can never name the Catholic individual who purportedly told them not to read the Bible. Maybe this is because Catholics have been granted indulgences for reading the Bible.  So, I have to take what Mr. Israel claims with, at best, a grain of salt.

What we do know is this, David Wood and others who contribute to Answering Muslims have been on occasion detained by Dearborn Police, not for breaking any laws, but for quietly and respectfully handing out Christian literature in areas in which festivals attended by Muslims were being held. Mr. Wood and his assistants were required by police to turn off their cameras (Not sure what authority the cops thought they had to order that), leave the area with the cops, and were eventually told that they could only hand out their leaflets several blocks away. Several similar events have occurred in the area, leading many to think that Sharia has gained a foothold in the Wolverine State and that non-Muslims there have been reduced to Dhimmi status and are thus prohibited from doing anything that annoys Muslims.

On to Ruben Israel's move:

Mr. Israel and his group, unhappy with the treatment that Christians like Mr. Wood have received, decided to visit Dearborn and say what they wanted to say. It may not have been nice, but nothing that they did was illegal. Angry Muslims proceeded to throw whatever was at hand at Israel and his group.

From Answering Muslims:

"There's no questioning the fact that Ruben Israel's group came to the Dearborn Arab Festival to provoke a response from Muslims. But their actions were protected by the U.S. Constitution. The violent response they received from Muslims, however, was illegal. Every bottle, rock, or milk crate thrown was an assault.

And so the Dearborn Arab Festival has become a beacon for anyone who wants a confrontation with Muslims. If festival security hadn't started entrapping and assaulting Christians in 2009, and if Dearborn Police hadn't unveiled their strategy of arresting Christians in 2010, I doubt Ruben would have ever set foot in Dearborn.

The city is upset by all the attention they're getting. Perhaps it's time for the city to think about the sources of all the negative publicity: The American Arab Chamber of Commerce, the Dearborn Police Department, Chief Ronald Haddad, Prosecutor William Debiasi, Judge Mark Somers, and Mayor John O'Reilly. I have no doubt that if the City of Dearborn were to finally start taking responsibility for their misdeeds (instead of constantly portraying the city as the victim), the spiral they're caught in would eventually turn around" 

From The Blaze:
"In a video posted by Gateway Pundit early this morning, protesters were depicted as being battered by a constant hail of thrown debris, including water bottles and possibly even stones. Skip to nine minutes into the following video to see the “stoning” portion where large, grey projectiles that look very much like rocks are tossed into the air at the demonstrators as the crowd screams “Allahu Akbar” and closes in:

Let me repeat: Christians were allegedly stoned and forced into retreat by an angry mob of Arabs in Dearborn, Michigan. Whether you find the protesters themselves distasteful, it would be alarming indeed to think this reaction was warranted. We can only hope that no one was hurt, and that the people allegedly throwing the items will be brought to justice. However, given the inability of the cameramen to capture the faces of their assailants, we have our doubts."

Videos are on the links at top.

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